April 6 2021
Labby is adopted out to The Netherlands in Alkmaar. He has now awesome lovely new owners who walk him many hours in the woods and are very happy with the sweet dog Labby.

Kutchi has found a forever home in The Netherlands near Apeldoorn and has been adopted out on June 30, 2021 ❤

Kutchi and Laika in the big van going home! ❤

Sweetie Girly is adopted out to Velsen Noord in The Netherlands to a sweet woman who has a nice garden and house and lots of green around to go for walkies with Sweetie Girly. July 18, 2021❤

Sunny has found a forever home in The Netherlands at an adorable family, mother and daughter in Hellevoetsluis. They have a beautiful garden and lots of green area to go for walks with Sunny ! ❤ August 7, 2021

Lilli is succesfully adopted in The Netherlands by a wonderfull sweet couple. October 9, 2021

Dario has found his forever home in The Netherlands with a very sweet family. October 9, 2021

Luis has found his forever home at a sweet family in the Netherlands October 2021 https://www.jouwweb.nl/v2/website/1286843/editor/page/8083101

Evelyn and Olivia are adopted by a very sweet lady on December 8, 2021 in The Netherlands

Jeremiah is adopted by a very sweet family in The Netherlands December 30, 2021

Lambio has been adopted by a sweet family and is now in The Netherlands March 2022

Luna has found a very loving awesome family in The Netherlands March 19, 2022

Mira is adopted to a very loving wonderful family on April 4, 2022

Choco is now with his new family in The Netherlands. He got adopted out on April 10, 2022

Evelyn has found a new sweet family in The Netherlands on April 19 2022

Chris is adopted May 10, 2022 to a lovely family in The Netherlands

Sheila is adopted May 12, 2022 to a lovely family in The Netherlands

Herz is adopted by a lovely family im The Netherlands on June 26, 2022

Willy https://hope-for-stray-dog-or-cat-in-albania.jouwweb.nl/willy-a-3-month-old-white-puppy-november-2022
is geadopteerd door een geweldig, lief en zorgzaam koppel en is nu in Nederland bij hen.

Zijn naam is nu Milan.. Mijn jochie zoals ik hem noemde heeft nu alles wat hij verdient❤💋 En wat een TROTSE ouders!😃
Vanuit Tirana heb ik hem persoonlijk naar hen toe gebracht op 23 Januari 2023. Dat en de reis ging allemaal voorspoedig.
