Happy is adopted out on February 11 2022 in The Netherlands and is finaly.....HAPPY❤

This is Happy. As you see she is not happy at all. She is chained for life. So we will rescue her soon from her suffering.
Tirana Albania. December 6, 2020

We gave her another Nexgard Spectra pill against ticks and worms.

Her story starts here.
Tirana Albania June 2, 2020

At the field I lived there is a house and a little dog chained for life.

I passed by several times, then one day I bought Happy 6 meter of chain to extend her short 1 meter chain plus a new collar. Happy was completely covered in Ticks and under her collar there was an infected wound full with ticks. The owners let me give her the chain, a new collar and some food and treats. I asked them if I could walk her with my dog sometimes. Her complete selfish answer was no I dont want her to get used to walks because then she will ask me all the time to walk with her.. and then I have to get of my narcissistic selfish lazy ass..

I unleashed Happy. It must have been years since the last time she had been free. She smiles from ear to ear.

Happy was very happy with my attention.

Happy was relieved and hopeful that her life had changed for the better.

A week after I gave Happy her new chain and collar I came back with the vetenarian and we gave her an anti parasite pill and she got vaccinated.
Ten days after, Kutchi and me climbed over a loose piled up stone wall, that was build around the house and garden. This wall was crumbling down while we climbed over it to visit Happy. (The house owner did not open up ). I gave her another follow up anti parasites pill 10 days after the first. Happy was complete free of ticks. Happy still had her 6 meter chain and did look so much more happy. 3 Months later I rescued Kutchi from neglect and a threat to kill him.

6 month later we found her like this again back to nothing. I had moved out of that area afer being threatend to be killed together with my dog and Kutchi. Albanians dont like a person that takes care of stray dogs.. And that is what I did every single day.

Finally on January 19, 2022 we rescued Happy and walked away from his prison. Happy is save now and free. She stays at a warm loving place untill I found adoption for her.
If you want to adopt Happy please contact me at the email button below.
No matter where you are I will bring Happy to you.