Every time a dog is taken in the cage on the car from a government worker to bring it to the hospital of death, where they are doomed to be killed by a vet...saying the dogs get sterilised, Aferdita an Albanian woman who is my friend and assistent and who takes care of my dogs when needed and when I am away, goes to the hospital of death and make war with them to give her the dog .
They allow it sofar upon she will put a blue collar on the neck of the dog and place an eartag to say this dog is sterilized and the dog is now mine.
These dogs she will bring to the Grand Park, artificial lake in Tirana where they are free to walk.
Each morning she goes to feed the dogs, which are now 28 dogs at 6.30 pm in the morning where they get small portions of food because
Aferdita lives from only 200 euro per month. She also cookes chickenmeat and bones and mixes the chicken soup with bread as extra nutrition and because its cheap.
Every single day Baskia munipicality takes 6 or more dogs to the hospital of death and every day
Aferdita takes 3 of them away and brings them to the lake. Each dog gets a blue collar so that the government workers know they are her dogs and to leave them alone. They know she tries to find adoption for them.
Obviously this cost a lot of money and debts at the vetenary clinics for sterilization vaccination and medication if a dog gets injured or ill. Plus all the bags with dryfood that are spend on all the 28 dogs and still counting. 10 Bags per month, each bag is 20 kilo and cost 3200 lek is 26.65 euro.
Please help with a small or larger donation one time or on a monthly basis to enable us to continue this good work done from the heart and soul. That way we can continue rescuing and taking care of these dogs and asap find adoption for them.
We also need to place dogs at fosterhomes or clinic in Tirana. They need love and care. They are abandonend and used to live with their families. I will personaly find families for them in The Netherlands.
120 euro per mont for clinic cost, stay and food.
It is 4 euro per day.
It is also possible to adopt 1 dog temporary and pay for his food and clinic stay untill I found a forever home for him or her.
The money goes direct to
Aferdita and direct to the dogs.
We will show you the receipts of what the money is used for. Food or clinic stay.
If you want to help please contact me through the contact formular at the bottom of this page.
Aferdita rescuing dogs

This is Roi.

Currently we need to take this poor soul away from the streets. He was rescued out of the cage from Death Hospital 3 days ago by Aferdita. He was waiting every day for her at the artificial lake to come to her asking for her love and care . He is not used to live on the streets and is abandoned recently. He is scared, lonely and needs asap to stay at the clinic untill adoption has been found.
Please help us save this poor soul and donate a bit or more untill I find adoption for him.

Roy is so tired of the horrible things he had to endure.
Abandoned and betrayed by his family. Living on the streets without food and horrible human monsters that treats him bad. Then on top of it all the car of the munipicality caught him hardhanded with a metal stick on his neck and throw him inside a cage on the car that brings streetdogs to their final destination.. HOSPITAL OF DEATH. The munipicality says its a clinic for sterilisation but its not...
